Kung fu Panda 4 dragon warrior becomes valley's spiritual leader.

4/1/20241 min read


In this part,Po is busy in usual kicking is enemies butts,when Master shifu in his arrogant tone announces that Po has to choose a successor ,Po is like confused ,he sees all those guys who do badass kung fu before him and Po points the finger to whom? to himself . After some time he goes to meditate to contemplate about inner peace,he hears a little noise and there is this little cunning wolf moving into the palace so Po checks on this little guy is trying to steal all those uniques antiques of master . Po is like what the hell! Po arrests this wolf guy named Zhen who talks a lot and Po gets to know that there is a new villan a lady villan a chameleon and the guy Zhen where this Chameleon is so Po frees Zhen and the adventure begins..


The movie was fun,like the anime plot but the plot felt kinda same like every other hero villan story where a friend pops from behind and either cheats the hero or takes his girlfriend away in this case former happens and this was quite predictable for everyone so the plot is likely same to every other friendship betryal movie.

Other than this the funny scenes like three rabbits ,cute little rabbits, shout like cheer girls violence,violence,violence which was quite fun ,when Po gives autographs ink style ,shifu comes in middle and Po accidentaly gives autograph on Shifu's head the arrogant attitude of Shifu the ego,id and superego scenes were so funny but they were little bit similar to previous Kung fu panda movies ,it was not creative enough.

The action and final plot,the chameleon can gain power of all the powerful villans in the past like Tai Lung she looks like Camille from power rangers jungle fury. Finale action was fine ,not best tho.But,if you are a fan of kung fu panda series (like I'm)then you can go and watch it on prime video.

Kung fu panda 4 on prime video